
Bigot in Charge of Training

Recently, got a position in the US after spending sometime abroad. The Training Director is the most bigoted person I have ever met. He seems to have nicknames for most employees. A gay guy is referred to as ‘Cupcake’ a member of the transgender community is referred to as ‘Trans fat’ and a young female is referred to as the ‘Blonde piece’. These are just some examples. What’s the best way of addressing this without it impacting on my position?

Recently, got a position in the US after spending sometime abroad. The Training Director is the most bigoted person I have ever met. He seems to have nicknames for most employees. A gay guy is referred to as ‘Cupcake’ a member of the transgender community is referred to as ‘Trans fat’ and a young female is referred to as the ‘Blonde piece’. These are just some examples.

What’s the best way of addressing this without it impacting on my position?

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