
How much % of a raise would you ask for that is borderline an unreasonable amount, but not so much that it would never happen..?

I’m significantly underpaid for my position. I accomplished a lot in the last year and it was the highest profit year in company history. I decided if I’m so undervalued that it was probably time to move on and try to get paid closer to my worth. When the owner found out I was thinking about leaving, he said he wasn’t aware I was so underpaid, and asked how much to stay. I need to come up % increase that borders on unreasonable but with a chance they might bite. For context ~40% would bring me to the high end of the salary band with additional points to account for inflation.

I’m significantly underpaid for my position. I accomplished a lot in the last year and it was the highest profit year in company history. I decided if I’m so undervalued that it was probably time to move on and try to get paid closer to my worth. When the owner found out I was thinking about leaving, he said he wasn’t aware I was so underpaid, and asked how much to stay. I need to come up % increase that borders on unreasonable but with a chance they might bite.

For context ~40% would bring me to the high end of the salary band with additional points to account for inflation.

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