
Got called in on my day off

Got called in because three out of four receptionists called out for an early st Patrick's bar crawl that's happening. Of course I felt bad because my manager was going to be alone and I stupidly assumed I wouldn't have to go in on Sunday because I did my mandatory weekend day. Welp. Today was “extra” hours! And I'm scheduled for tomorrow still! Best part? The girls that called out today are most likely going to call out again for being hungover! So I can't call out because I'm “absolutely needed” tomorrow. Next time I get called in im saying absolutely not. Being a “team player” just gets you fucked over.

Got called in because three out of four receptionists called out for an early st Patrick's bar crawl that's happening. Of course I felt bad because my manager was going to be alone and I stupidly assumed I wouldn't have to go in on Sunday because I did my mandatory weekend day. Welp. Today was “extra” hours! And I'm scheduled for tomorrow still! Best part? The girls that called out today are most likely going to call out again for being hungover! So I can't call out because I'm “absolutely needed” tomorrow.

Next time I get called in im saying absolutely not. Being a “team player” just gets you fucked over.

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