
My employer denied my ADA to WFM due to “collaboration”

My job has requested people come back to the office 3 days a week, but due to my depression and anxiety, I got an ADA form and submitted it to them. They came back and said all they would provide me with was: a desk near the window, working hours adjustment, and a room if I have anxiety build. When I questioned why I could not remain working from home as my doctor and therapist recommended, they replied with, “Collaboration is key to success and the best way to be successful is to be in the office 3 days a week. We are just adhearing to the policy and trying to assist teammates with reasonable accommodations to bring them into the office and help them with their medical needs. I will pass along to your leader that the accomodations we provided were declined.” I never said that I denied them…

My job has requested people come back to the office 3 days a week, but due to my depression and anxiety, I got an ADA form and submitted it to them. They came back and said all they would provide me with was: a desk near the window, working hours adjustment, and a room if I have anxiety build.

When I questioned why I could not remain working from home as my doctor and therapist recommended, they replied with, “Collaboration is key to success and the best way to be successful is to be in the office 3 days a week. We are just adhearing to the policy and trying to assist teammates with reasonable accommodations to bring them into the office and help them with their medical needs. I will pass along to your leader that the accomodations we provided were declined.”

I never said that I denied them and only asked to discuss other alternatives because I did not feel as though the accomodations listed were not meeting the recommendations of my doctor, or focused on preventing or mitigating any of my issues.

Is this enough of a case to bring to an employment lawyer, or is there any steps I can take to make my workplace recognize my ADA?

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