
How do you escape?

I'm tired of being horrifically underpaid and overworked in the field I got a degree in. I was always worried about getting a job in something I'm not really interested in lest it bore me to death, but if doing work I would otherwise enjoy just gets me shit pay and grinds me to dust then I think I'm fine with settling for something that's at least tolerable and pays the bills. Who here has actually managed to get out of the cycle of shit jobs for shit pay, and how?

I'm tired of being horrifically underpaid and overworked in the field I got a degree in. I was always worried about getting a job in something I'm not really interested in lest it bore me to death, but if doing work I would otherwise enjoy just gets me shit pay and grinds me to dust then I think I'm fine with settling for something that's at least tolerable and pays the bills.

Who here has actually managed to get out of the cycle of shit jobs for shit pay, and how?

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