
Ex-coworker is not allowed to talk to me

Hi guys, I just recently quit my job. I thought I had left on relatively good terms. I put in a 2 weeks and explained that I was quitting because I was going to college. Honestly the job was shitty and I didn’t like the managers and they didn’t like me either but I thought I had left on good terms considering my 2 weeks notice (which most people quitting at my work place didn’t do) and that they were very understanding and all wishing me good luck in school. I call one of my ex coworkers who I made friends with the other day and she tells me we have to stop talking to each other. I ask why and she told me the mangers threatened to fire her if she continues talking to me, even off the clock. I remember her telling me she got reprimanded for talking…

Hi guys, I just recently quit my job. I thought I had left on relatively good terms. I put in a 2 weeks and explained that I was quitting because I was going to college. Honestly the job was shitty and I didn’t like the managers and they didn’t like me either but I thought I had left on good terms considering my 2 weeks notice (which most people quitting at my work place didn’t do) and that they were very understanding and all wishing me good luck in school.

I call one of my ex coworkers who I made friends with the other day and she tells me we have to stop talking to each other. I ask why and she told me the mangers threatened to fire her if she continues talking to me, even off the clock. I remember her telling me she got reprimanded for talking to me when I was working there. I didn’t think much of it at the time but now it seems super weird.

I quit professionally, never got written up, and generally never caused trouble to my coworkers. But now they’re telling my ex-coworkers that they can’t even speak to me even when I’m not even working there anymore?? Even when they’re off the clock? Wtf. I don’t understand. What is the point of this? What did I do?

My coworker, who is 26, also said she wasn’t allowed to talk to me because the managers claimed they “were protecting me”. She told me that the managers said it was “weird” she was talking to a barely 18 year old and told her she had no good intentions talking to me. Now trust me I know it sounds bad but I know what my relationship with her is like and it’s friendship. I’ve had experience with actual creeps before know what the tactics they use and trust me she is not trying to groom me and Christ sake she’s married.

That’s such a gross accusation to make about your employee with absolutely no proof or understanding about their relationship. Even if she was, how is that a mangers business? Especially if I’m not working there anymore. By the way there was no interaction between us at work that could even be interpreted as anything remotely sexual so I don’t know where they’re getting this from.

This whole situation really annoys me and I just want to know why they’re doing this.

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