
Why can’t we just be comfortable where we are?

I really don't understand all this pressure to climb the corporate ladder. It's so taboo in corporate to be comfortable where you are and everyone keeps asking what you're going to do with your career. “Don't get too comfortable in your cushy position” Why can't I just keep doing what I've been doing for the last five years? Why try to move me up into something I've never done, and have some new guy do something he's never done. You end up with two noobs. “What are you gonna do if this company goes under?” I'm gonna find a new job, that's what. What's it matter to you. Christ.

I really don't understand all this pressure to climb the corporate ladder.

It's so taboo in corporate to be comfortable where you are and everyone keeps asking what you're going to do with your career.
“Don't get too comfortable in your cushy position”

Why can't I just keep doing what I've been doing for the last five years? Why try to move me up into something I've never done, and have some new guy do something he's never done. You end up with two noobs.

“What are you gonna do if this company goes under?”

I'm gonna find a new job, that's what. What's it matter to you. Christ.

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