
I think its time for a new job

I've been having a bunch of issues with my company the past four months. They praise they look out for each other, but this company clearly doesn't. I called out sick today from a long night of a stomach virus, only to be called by the owner and asked if I take this job seriously. The company makes it seem like everyone is aggressive to their work ethic and made it seem like I'm not serious because I took a sick day. This company has already taken away my PTO from complications for a surgery. They wonder why they can't find/keep good people and these types of conversations happen. But after that call, ill now be job hunting.

I've been having a bunch of issues with my company the past four months. They praise they look out for each other, but this company clearly doesn't. I called out sick today from a long night of a stomach virus, only to be called by the owner and asked if I take this job seriously. The company makes it seem like everyone is aggressive to their work ethic and made it seem like I'm not serious because I took a sick day. This company has already taken away my PTO from complications for a surgery. They wonder why they can't find/keep good people and these types of conversations happen. But after that call, ill now be job hunting.

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