
I Need to Quit Before This Job Kills Me

I can feel my blood pressure rising right now. I work reception at a doctor's office, the main doctor is a gaping asshole disguised as a great guy. He's older than dirt and overbooks his schedule to the point his patients are waiting 4+ hours to see him. He is usually here until 10 pm and flat-out refuses to retire. This has been his practice for decades, we just got bought by a larger healthcare conglomerate. I thought once they took over, he would at least slow down a little. Nope. And the big company that took over just lets him do whatever he wants, including continuing to abuse his front desk staff. I was waiting until I got a new job to finally quit, but I don't think I can make it. I asked to take Friday off to go to a wedding and was just told a bunch…

I can feel my blood pressure rising right now. I work reception at a doctor's office, the main doctor is a gaping asshole disguised as a great guy. He's older than dirt and overbooks his schedule to the point his patients are waiting 4+ hours to see him. He is usually here until 10 pm and flat-out refuses to retire.

This has been his practice for decades, we just got bought by a larger healthcare conglomerate. I thought once they took over, he would at least slow down a little. Nope. And the big company that took over just lets him do whatever he wants, including continuing to abuse his front desk staff.

I was waiting until I got a new job to finally quit, but I don't think I can make it. I asked to take Friday off to go to a wedding and was just told a bunch of the front desk had recently quit without notice and the remaining people aren't ready to be there alone yet.

I am so tired of the disrespect by this doctor every single night, I'm tired of the stress. I definitely don't make enough money to be this stressed. Fuck this place.

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