
Holy crap, I finally got it.

Recently, I have been written up for attendance violations. When showing them proof of me taking off for caring for my sick children under the Washington State Family Care Act, I was informed that they were still “occurances” because I didn't review my time card in time, and therefore, it was okay for them to write me up. The agreed to remove one occurance because I was making a stink. I was still at the requisite amount of occurances because I was one minute late to work, once. I have worked with this organization for nearly ten years. I've only been late twice in that entire time, and most often, am at work 15ish minutes prior in order to make coffee for myself and my coworkers. My write up came two days after me being late for work by one minute – and I was late because I had forgotten…

Recently, I have been written up for attendance violations. When showing them proof of me taking off for caring for my sick children under the Washington State Family Care Act, I was informed that they were still “occurances” because I didn't review my time card in time, and therefore, it was okay for them to write me up. The agreed to remove one occurance because I was making a stink.

I was still at the requisite amount of occurances because I was one minute late to work, once. I have worked with this organization for nearly ten years. I've only been late twice in that entire time, and most often, am at work 15ish minutes prior in order to make coffee for myself and my coworkers.

My write up came two days after me being late for work by one minute – and I was late because I had forgotten to take new heart medication before leaving home, and asked a coworker to drive me home and back. I let him clock in first (he was on time), but I was about 20 seconds too late.

When I was in the Navy, I could complain about a Chief Petty Officer or an officer who was mistreating me, and trust that it would be dealt with. Here in the civilian world, I have several “occurances” I wish to level against my supervisor and manager:

Multiple attempts at gaslighting – I do things that they say are okay, and then suddenly, it's not, and they never said that. I'm fortunate that I learned early on to save every email, and not trust verbal communication.

No punishment when managers don't respond – I had an instance where a lead said something outright insulting to me (and as an aside, the lead and I got together and worked out the misunderstanding together, and she agreed she was wrong), but it took three weeks and two email reminders to my management team for them to reach out to me – only to blame me for the event.

There is one “team” that our manager loves to speak to and laugh with for about 15 – 30 minutes when she comes to work(loudly), but not with anyone else – not even a hello. Unsurprisingly, they get a way with a shit ton.

I was spoiled in the Navy. It was a good deal. You had a way to point out that your bosses weren't doing their jobs, and, at least in my time, a reasonable expectation that your bosses would be corrected. But, how do I correct my boss in the civilan world? I can't. I can either suck it up here, where at least I have a (very weak) union, or try to find another job at nearly 50, that probably won't have one. If it were just me, I wouldn't care, but I have a family I need to help take care of.

And I can't. So, holy crap, I finally get it.

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