
Found out my old manager was fired

Last year i left education to for for a high clearance DoD contractor. It was my dream job with the exception of my senior manager who was essentially a pain in the ass that created more problems than solutions. Dude was so bad that I went back to my gang infested high school and finished out the year. Anyway found out that he got fired for pissing off not only people in the firm but also the military branch the company contracted with. Nothing more to it than just a little karma happiness

Last year i left education to for for a high clearance DoD contractor. It was my dream job with the exception of my senior manager who was essentially a pain in the ass that created more problems than solutions. Dude was so bad that I went back to my gang infested high school and finished out the year.

Anyway found out that he got fired for pissing off not only people in the firm but also the military branch the company contracted with.

Nothing more to it than just a little karma happiness

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