
Why don’t US citizens emigrate more?

US is an awful place to be poor. Education is expensive, working rights aren’t that great, mass shootings are too frequent, some minorities live very bad etc. Civil rights warriors have been trying to change this for quite some time but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Why then don’t we see American citizens trying to emigrate to other countries and see what happens? It definitely won’t solve everything and maybe it gets worse in some specific aspects, but maybe the time has come to pack and leave.

US is an awful place to be poor. Education is expensive, working rights aren’t that great, mass shootings are too frequent, some minorities live very bad etc. Civil rights warriors have been trying to change this for quite some time but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Why then don’t we see American citizens trying to emigrate to other countries and see what happens? It definitely won’t solve everything and maybe it gets worse in some specific aspects, but maybe the time has come to pack and leave.

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