
Recruiting agency needs disclosure agreement?

Is this normal? It wants my social, full name, last place of employment and my signature along with a few other personal details. I've never used a recruiter due to having horrible experiences with them in the past. For context, this recruiter messged me weeks ago, blew me off on a phone interview over a week ago, then called me at the scheduled time 5 days later to have the interview. Over the weekend this recruiter asked me for references and I told this person I will provide that if I am a serious candidate (I have not been on an interview yet…wtf?) Today I get the disclosure agreement after a phone call from the recruiter questioning my resume. The whole thing has been very sus since they messaged me weeks ago about the position. No interview and very rocky on communication. It's weird to me to ask for such…

Is this normal? It wants my social, full name, last place of employment and my signature along with a few other personal details. I've never used a recruiter due to having horrible experiences with them in the past. For context, this recruiter messged me weeks ago, blew me off on a phone interview over a week ago, then called me at the scheduled time 5 days later to have the interview. Over the weekend this recruiter asked me for references and I told this person I will provide that if I am a serious candidate (I have not been on an interview yet…wtf?) Today I get the disclosure agreement after a phone call from the recruiter questioning my resume. The whole thing has been very sus since they messaged me weeks ago about the position. No interview and very rocky on communication. It's weird to me to ask for such personal info just to start the process…

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