
Scared my period smelt like fish at work today

So I work at a pharmacy . This morning as I was serving someone , as I was looking for his prescription this really fishy odour appeared . It was really bad , I stood still for several seconds smelling it . Then I heard my co workers point out the smell , they were asking what it was and where it was coming from. My heart dropped . I’m 3 and a half days into my period and I’m quite heavy on the first 2 days. I immediately thought it was me , thought my pad was overflowing or something . I felt like I couldn’t move , I wanted to run to the bathroom to change my pad that I had only just put on an hour ago but I couldn’t since I was serving someone. As I was grabbing his medication from the shelf I felt like…

So I work at a pharmacy . This morning as I was serving someone , as I was looking for his prescription this really fishy odour appeared . It was really bad , I stood still for several seconds smelling it . Then I heard my co workers point out the smell , they were asking what it was and where it was coming from. My heart dropped .

I’m 3 and a half days into my period and I’m quite heavy on the first 2 days. I immediately thought it was me , thought my pad was overflowing or something . I felt like I couldn’t move , I wanted to run to the bathroom to change my pad that I had only just put on an hour ago but I couldn’t since I was serving someone. As I was grabbing his medication from the shelf I felt like I was frozen , I could still smell that strong fishy odour . My heart was racing

As I was staring at the shelf full of bags of medication I was having thoughts about quitting my job solely because of the smell .

I ended up not serving him properly ,I didn’t give him his sertraline which he specifically asked for , I felt really guilty but I was panicking at the time .

After serving him I went into the back where we keep our belongings and I paced up and down for a few seconds . I didn’t wanna go near my co workers if I smelt bad.

After 6 minutes , I grabbed my backpack that had my period pads inside and went into the doctors surgery’s toilet to change (The pharmacy’s toilet is out of order as we had a break in) I asked if my co workers could cover me as I felt like I was gonna throw up . Luckily she said yes .

Now this is the weird thing , when I got in the doctors toilet and the doctors surgery itself to change the odor completely disappeared..

Anyways , I ended up spending like 20minutes in the bathroom. I just felt so scared and embarrassed that my co workers probably smelt me. My pad wasn’t that full or leaking either .

My co worker checked up on me and said that the pharmacist said I can go home if I’m feeling unwell.

I went back into the pharmacy and the odor still lingered which I thought was weird …

Anyways I left . I feel. Really guilty … idk if I could’ve stayed .

I’m also really scared I smelt like that the whole hour . Like I was working there for an hour bending down and everything and I didn’t smell anything until an hour passed

What if I was nose blind and didn’t notice until 11am? And my poor co workers had to deal with that smell for an hour?

Even as I’m sitting on the bus on the way home right now I can’t smell anything:/

I’m also scared my boss is gonna write me up for poor attendance . Last month I took a day off because my period cramps were extremely painful to the point I couldn’t Get out of bed. He’s already mentioned the Bradford calculator to me and my score was rlly bad:/

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