
New Dashcams with microphone in cab.

The company I work for have got a new insurance for the vehicles, the vans and tankers now have dashcams in (fair enough, makes sense) However, there are microphones on them, which record audio in the cab, this seems unnecessary, but are their any laws about this? I don’t know if they’re recording on a live feed to an app, or if they’re on like an SD card that has to be removed to review the footage. Sorry, maybe this has got under my skin more than it should have.

The company I work for have got a new insurance for the vehicles, the vans and tankers now have dashcams in (fair enough, makes sense)

However, there are microphones on them, which record audio in the cab, this seems unnecessary, but are their any laws about this? I don’t know if they’re recording on a live feed to an app, or if they’re on like an SD card that has to be removed to review the footage.

Sorry, maybe this has got under my skin more than it should have.

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