
Insights discovery color personality test is stupid

Any office workers here are forced to take the discovery color personality test? It's so fucking stupid. On one hand, the management is talking about inclusive, equality and empathy at work but on the other hand, they divide people into 4 different colors. I feel so offended by this training. The fucking management have nothing better to do, of course they need to look good on their annual review to get bonus. We, as the low tier employees are forced to participate in these annoying shit. Who gives a fuck what color my coworkers belongs to honestly? Red, Blue Yellow or Green? I am color blind. After the training, it didn't change shit. Whoever came up with this 4 color crap is such a genius coz they make big money. The stupid management buys the idea and pays big bucks to get a on site “certified” trainer to do the…

Any office workers here are forced to take the discovery color personality test? It's so fucking stupid. On one hand, the management is talking about inclusive, equality and empathy at work but on the other hand, they divide people into 4 different colors. I feel so offended by this training. The fucking management have nothing better to do, of course they need to look good on their annual review to get bonus. We, as the low tier employees are forced to participate in these annoying shit. Who gives a fuck what color my coworkers belongs to honestly? Red, Blue Yellow or Green? I am color blind. After the training, it didn't change shit.

Whoever came up with this 4 color crap is such a genius coz they make big money. The stupid management buys the idea and pays big bucks to get a on site “certified” trainer to do the monkey dancing show. Fuck i am so sick of this, do you think I have nothing to do at work? It's even worse than dividing people into 12 astrological signs of the zodiac in Horoscope.

Indeed I am so shocked some idiots coworkers of mine are SO INTO these trainings crap. I tell you most of them are so weak in life outside of work, basically they take these crap so seriously and thinking it can apply to their personal life. Such as waste of my day going into the office and gain absolutely nothing. Anyone share the same thought as me? Or am I the only one thinking this shit is useless?

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