
Just discovered co-workers are making more than me. Advice wanted.

Hello all, I have worked with a very successful bank for over four years now. Up until this point I have always felt somewhat valued and felt that I have been treated and paid fairly by the company. Today however I had lunch with one of my coworkers. He works in a department that is supposed to be adjacent in pay and workload to mine and he was hired on less than a year ago. We began discussing pay and I assumed I would be making more than him. Come to find out he is making over 10k more than I am in salary. So are the other people in his department who have also worked there for a much shorter stint than I. I have been considering looking for positions elsewhere, waiting until I get an offer that has higher pay and then using it as leverage to get…

Hello all,
I have worked with a very successful bank for over four years now. Up until this point I have always felt somewhat valued and felt that I have been treated and paid fairly by the company.

Today however I had lunch with one of my coworkers. He works in a department that is supposed to be adjacent in pay and workload to mine and he was hired on less than a year ago. We began discussing pay and I assumed I would be making more than him. Come to find out he is making over 10k more than I am in salary. So are the other people in his department who have also worked there for a much shorter stint than I.

I have been considering looking for positions elsewhere, waiting until I get an offer that has higher pay and then using it as leverage to get attempt to get a raise because other than this issue, I do like working at this job. I just find it outrageous that this is most likely my only real option to go about this situation.

Does anyone have any advice on how best to go about this? Could I possibly talk to my managers straight out or is that a bad idea?

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