
I encourage my staff to quit because she deserves better

I encourage my staff to quit I work in the IDD field and manage a dozen of employees.. and I try to be a decent boss to my team. I wouldn't ask them to do anything I wouldn't do and treat them with dignity.. Last week one of my staff asked me for a raise. I told her she deserves a raise and I'll ask the higher ups if its possible…. I went to bat and they promptly shot me down. I gave her the company lingo of how things are tight bullshit. She was upset and I told her she derserves more and if I was in her place I would quit becauase at the end of the day corporations don't give a shit about you…she hugged me gave me her keys and walked out…she text me later asking for a reference and I told her I would be…

I encourage my staff to quit

I work in the IDD field and manage a dozen of employees.. and I try to be a decent boss to my team. I wouldn't ask them to do anything I wouldn't do and treat them with dignity..

Last week one of my staff asked me for a raise. I told her she deserves a raise and I'll ask the higher ups if its possible…. I went to bat and they promptly shot me down. I gave her the company lingo of how things are tight bullshit. She was upset and I told her she derserves more and if I was in her place I would quit becauase at the end of the day corporations don't give a shit about you…she hugged me gave me her keys and walked out…she text me later asking for a reference and I told her I would be honored!

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