
It’s okay if you don’t like or care about your job and you’re only in it for the money

One thing I've noticed is that the people who talk about making work their identity, deriving a deep sense of satisfaction from their jobs, and needing to stay productive or “contribute to society” tend to be business owners. I don't know of too many worker bees with that kind of mindset. Maybe that kind of brainwashing works on some people. Personally, I never liked work and have only put up with it because I need the money. Doing just about anything else is more appealing to me than spending a day in a typical workplace. I believe that's how it is for almost everyone who works as an employee. Think about it. Are there really actually people who enjoy being ordered around by another adult, being told when and where to go, being told what to do and exactly how to do it, and having to ask permission to take…

One thing I've noticed is that the people who talk about making work their identity, deriving a deep sense of satisfaction from their jobs, and needing to stay productive or “contribute to society” tend to be business owners. I don't know of too many worker bees with that kind of mindset.

Maybe that kind of brainwashing works on some people. Personally, I never liked work and have only put up with it because I need the money. Doing just about anything else is more appealing to me than spending a day in a typical workplace. I believe that's how it is for almost everyone who works as an employee.

Think about it. Are there really actually people who enjoy being ordered around by another adult, being told when and where to go, being told what to do and exactly how to do it, and having to ask permission to take some time off? Also, you have to act happy all the time and try to censor yourself. You can't say what you really think without negative repercussions. Maybe some kind of idiot really enjoys that?

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