
Got fired and couldn’t appeal decision

I was fired from my first job (cabinet maker) on February 10th 2023. I'd been working there just one day of off a month (started January 11th 2023). If I remember correctly, it was a Friday. I was packing up (we finished at 12pm exactly on Fridays, started at 6am). One of the two managers l, the one who'd be majorly sarcastic as well as deadpan, cracks a joke about me and then hands me a letter saying that he hated to be the one to give me this. I already knew that it was a termination notice. I opened it and low and be-fucking-hold, it was a termination notice. I was confused and mildly annoyed. The manager then proceeded to explain that it was because I apparently was lazy and packing up early. I was now seething with anger. I'd put up with working on machines, dealing with a…

I was fired from my first job (cabinet maker) on February 10th 2023. I'd been working there just one day of off a month (started January 11th 2023).

If I remember correctly, it was a Friday. I was packing up (we finished at 12pm exactly on Fridays, started at 6am).

One of the two managers l, the one who'd be majorly sarcastic as well as deadpan, cracks a joke about me and then hands me a letter saying that he hated to be the one to give me this. I already knew that it was a termination notice. I opened it and low and be-fucking-hold, it was a termination notice. I was confused and mildly annoyed.

The manager then proceeded to explain that it was because I apparently was lazy and packing up early. I was now seething with anger. I'd put up with working on machines, dealing with a coworker who treated me like shit, handing parts out to people at arbitrary times, cleaning bins and floors etc.

I was on probation at the time (customary to do 3 months probation before full hire). I was paid less then everyone else. I stupidly asked if I could appeal the termination decision. A question immediately shot down with a no.

I left work feeling so down I punished myself for loosing a great job.

That was February and I am still searching for a job in August.

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