
I’m tired of having just enough money to get by.

I’m going to school to try and expand my career options, but I also work full time in order to survive obviously. I make $15/hr, which is what 90% of entry-level jobs in my area pay (Indiana). I make just enough to split rent with a roommate and pay for utilities, food, and gas. I don’t have extra money at all. I pray my clothes don’t get ruined because I simply don’t have enough to buy new ones. I hold my breath every time I start my shitty car, praying it starts and gets me to work or school because if it broke down, I wouldn’t have enough money to fix it. I don’t know what the solution to the wealth inequality problem is, but I know from experience a $15/hr minimum wage won’t solve anything.

I’m going to school to try and expand my career options, but I also work full time in order to survive obviously. I make $15/hr, which is what 90% of entry-level jobs in my area pay (Indiana). I make just enough to split rent with a roommate and pay for utilities, food, and gas. I don’t have extra money at all. I pray my clothes don’t get ruined because I simply don’t have enough to buy new ones. I hold my breath every time I start my shitty car, praying it starts and gets me to work or school because if it broke down, I wouldn’t have enough money to fix it. I don’t know what the solution to the wealth inequality problem is, but I know from experience a $15/hr minimum wage won’t solve anything.

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