
Hard last day

Man, today is tough. It's my last day at my current job, I have another one lined up to start in a couple of weeks. They announced to everyone today that I have already been replaced, I am not welcome at the staff-wide meeting today (it's a small staff, only about 25 people), and no one has really talked with me much today, with the exception of the guy who is replacing me. To make it a bit worse, the person who is replacing me is getting all of the responsibilities I was trying to get while in the role, while not having to take on the parts of the job I disliked. He gets the best parts of the job plus the other things I wanted. I advocated for change in this position for about a year, and it fell on deaf ears. I asked why he got the…

Man, today is tough. It's my last day at my current job, I have another one lined up to start in a couple of weeks. They announced to everyone today that I have already been replaced, I am not welcome at the staff-wide meeting today (it's a small staff, only about 25 people), and no one has really talked with me much today, with the exception of the guy who is replacing me. To make it a bit worse, the person who is replacing me is getting all of the responsibilities I was trying to get while in the role, while not having to take on the parts of the job I disliked. He gets the best parts of the job plus the other things I wanted. I advocated for change in this position for about a year, and it fell on deaf ears. I asked why he got the good changes and I didn't, and was told I showed a lack of initiative. I did what I was paid to do but didn't do anything that wasn't in my job description, and when given opportunities to do the things they wanted to see me do (that I wasn't paid to do and weren't clearly communicated to me) I didn't do them to their satisfaction. This was hard to hear, especially since on every performance review, I've always hit the “above expectations” category, but I guess it just wasn't far enough above their expectations. It was an internal move for the guy replacing me, and they're paying him more than I made, too, with better benefits. This sucks. Really makes a person feel like they aren't valued.

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