
The Ruling are the new Slave owners.

I make 35k a year….Rent is HALF my income. HALF, one check goes to that the other goes to the rest of the bills.. And the company just gave me a 3% raise for 350% more output from me.. is there really nothing we can do? If i try and get to organize I get fired.. unemployment will not allow me to continue to afford my current place. I hate this society so much its not even a joke. Its literally living in a hell that we cant escape from. I don't turn ANYTHING on for a month and electricity is still $125. I don't even live in a house. i live in a damn Trailer. i pay $875 a month for rent. Now that's not a lot for you folks.. but its actually the peak of what i can afford. I cant afford an apartment.. a house may as…

I make 35k a year….Rent is HALF my income. HALF, one check goes to that the other goes to the rest of the bills.. And the company just gave me a 3% raise for 350% more output from me.. is there really nothing we can do? If i try and get to organize I get fired.. unemployment will not allow me to continue to afford my current place. I hate this society so much its not even a joke. Its literally living in a hell that we cant escape from. I don't turn ANYTHING on for a month and electricity is still $125. I don't even live in a house. i live in a damn Trailer. i pay $875 a month for rent. Now that's not a lot for you folks.. but its actually the peak of what i can afford. I cant afford an apartment.. a house may as well be a skyscraper as far as im concerned..If i go any lower, I run the risk of black mold and deadly neighbors in the inner city (also struggling with the class war) I'm of the opinion that this society will break. We are already slaves… they're actually Killing us now.. slowly but surely.. I eat every other day to conserve food because i have to live. if i could cut food out I would too.. I'm 100% stone sober.. cant even afford a bag of swag. What are we to do??? If we say ANYTHING its met with hostility.. no “boss” wants to listen. hell.. i cant even TALK about money with my bosses or I get berated. I'm sick of the workforce.. i want to leave.. But i cant do anything without money. I'm so broken and defeated at this point i cant even try to apply for new jobs cuz im pretty sure they'd screw me over too.. I have no hope. And its sad.

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