
My boss just admitted to sexually discriminating against me for a promotion. Best course of action?

So a year ago I got this job. I’m doing amazing. I got a few raises in this time and am making very good money now, but about 3 months ago things soured a bit. I’m a designer/drafter. For those that don’t know, that means I work with engineers to actually do their job. We are different sides of the same coin. We work together to create the object, I create it on a computer, they test it, and we improve until it’s ready to be made. We do not have a lot of women here. Emily was hired arou d 3 months ago. I was to train her, and that I did. I quickly saw she did literally no work at all. Absolutely none. She has not even logged into her Inventor. I reported this to my boss every time but nothing happened. Had a quarterly review where I…

So a year ago I got this job. I’m doing amazing. I got a few raises in this time and am making very good money now, but about 3 months ago things soured a bit.
I’m a designer/drafter. For those that don’t know, that means I work with engineers to actually do their job. We are different sides of the same coin. We work together to create the object, I create it on a computer, they test it, and we improve until it’s ready to be made. We do not have a lot of women here. Emily was hired arou d 3 months ago. I was to train her, and that I did. I quickly saw she did literally no work at all. Absolutely none. She has not even logged into her Inventor. I reported this to my boss every time but nothing happened.
Had a quarterly review where I was told I would be looking at a promotion to lead designer on a massive project. This is a HUGE raise, as it provides a base salary increase of $12k, along with being eligible for bonuses now that average another $15k. ProMotion time came, and Emily got it. I asked my boss as it made NO sense at all as she probably doesn’t even know how to use the software to begin with, and that is when he told me he hired her because she is the only woman we have working here and it will incentivize more to come, but it’s ok because she won’t be making anywhere near what the position actually entails and they still want me to fill the role, just not the position.
Fuck quiet quitting. I want justice. I have this admission on recording already as I suspected this to be the answer and I live in a single party consent state. Any suggestions as to what I should do?

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