
Targeted harassment/discrimination at work

I’m so lost on what I should do. I need this job, but I NEED my sanity back. This is insane. Where to begin… I have been working for this company for just over three months. It’s a government contractor that provides housekeeping and support for immigrants inside all the new tents (processing centers) that are popping up. The pay and benefits are beyond good, but the bullshit that comes with it are making me ask: is it all worth it. Let’s see. On my second day after telling my trainer to stop misgendering me probably over 20 times, she finally scoffed and said “my nephew is trans but at least he doesn’t care about those stupid pronouns!!” A couple of (now former) employees overheard and are willing to go on record if I bring this company to court. I immediately told management but nothing was done. After that day,…

I’m so lost on what I should do. I need this job, but I NEED my sanity back. This is insane. Where to begin…

I have been working for this company for just over three months. It’s a government contractor that provides housekeeping and support for immigrants inside all the new tents (processing centers) that are popping up. The pay and benefits are beyond good, but the bullshit that comes with it are making me ask: is it all worth it.

Let’s see. On my second day after telling my trainer to stop misgendering me probably over 20 times, she finally scoffed and said “my nephew is trans but at least he doesn’t care about those stupid pronouns!!” A couple of (now former) employees overheard and are willing to go on record if I bring this company to court. I immediately told management but nothing was done. After that day, she made my life hell. She made fun of me and literally brought everyone against me. I am now bullied and made fun of relentlessly by everyone. I have a couple people on my side who see the damage she has caused.

We have gone through 6 different supervisors in the past 3 months. All of which have had problems with gendering me correctly (btw I am fully passing/presenting…my voice just gives me away.)

I have been targeted by management about little things that everyone else can clearly get away with. But more importantly management has done nothing about the bullying. I have made 18 reports about specific situations. NOTHING has been done. The other day I was cleaning the women’s bathroom and two girls walked in and said “oh let’s be careful with him in here” while they were walking out one of them spit on the floor. Nothing was done. I have been basically assaulted by people (intentionally bumping into me) while there is hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of surveillance equipment setup. Nothing. It just never stops.

I can’t put into words everything that has happened. To finish this post off, I’ll write one more thing to top it off. The co-owner was on site last week. I called him my supervisor and a coworker (acting as MY witness to the conversation.) I told him everything. I told him all that I want is for you guys to address the issue during our daily meeting (there’s over 100 employees in these meetings) I told him please just address the issue…even if it’s just saying “we don’t tolerate bullying” he told me that will happen. He then told my supervisor to give me a paper documenting that we had this conversation on this day/at this time. The meeting happened 15 minutes later and nothing was said. I asked for the document from my supervisor at end of shift and he refused (and has refused) ever since to provide that to me.

This is all happening because I am trans. Worst part is… they (the company) are allowing this to happen. I am now struggling with depression/suicidal ideation and self harm and literally dread going to work. I can’t put into words how bad the bullying is. So many things happen everyday that I can’t organize my mind to write them down. I have begged management over and over to address the issue but all I hear is crickets. I have been thinking about consulting with an attorney (provided by the lgbtq center) because this has sucked all the life out of me. It shouldn’t be like this. I have to make ends meet so I’m stuck.

I did end up essentially getting a security guard fired for harassment but he worked for a completely different company (our job site is composed of 2 government contract agencies) and then CBP/US Marshals/HSI and ICE. The company has the security guard worked for was extremely vigilant and fast on handling my (and my coworkers) report against him. The company I work for hasn’t done anything but make things worse.

This is taking place in California, where the laws are strict. I’m 19. Thanks for reading, I guess I just wanted to vent.

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