
I am so fed up with America

So I work in a family owned restaurant that doesn't offer insurance. I make a decent wage but it's not enough. I live by myself in an income restricted apartment with my youngest son, and my oldest son visiting on extended breaks. But not having insurance SUCKS. I've gotten a lot of diagnoses in the past year and my bank account is struggling here. Money has always been tight and now I'm shelling out $150 for each visit to the neurologist. I just got diagnosed with epilepsy so now I'm on seizure medication, I was also prescribed a once a month self administered injection for a constant headache, and migraine medication for when one of those sneak through. And the total cost of those medications is $2,648!! I was also diagnosed with Lupus SLE at the beginning of last year. I'm not seeing the rheumatologist because I can't afford that…

So I work in a family owned restaurant that doesn't offer insurance. I make a decent wage but it's not enough. I live by myself in an income restricted apartment with my youngest son, and my oldest son visiting on extended breaks. But not having insurance SUCKS. I've gotten a lot of diagnoses in the past year and my bank account is struggling here. Money has always been tight and now I'm shelling out $150 for each visit to the neurologist. I just got diagnosed with epilepsy so now I'm on seizure medication, I was also prescribed a once a month self administered injection for a constant headache, and migraine medication for when one of those sneak through. And the total cost of those medications is $2,648!! I was also diagnosed with Lupus SLE at the beginning of last year. I'm not seeing the rheumatologist because I can't afford that without insurance, so Lupus just continues to lick my ass because I can't see someone to roescibe the medication to make my life a little easier. I also struggle with major depression and anxiety kicks my ass everyday. I should probably see a therapist for PTSD. I also have a lot of issues with my teeth because I'm a recovered meth addict. So I've had several pulled already and I just chipped another one a few weeks ago. Thankfully I found a dentist that charges based on a sliding scale. But I also like to be able to have a roof over my head so all my issues go to the back burner while I continue to go to work and have to force myself out of bed and take way too much OTC pain meds just to make myself not wanna cry from the excessive pain I feel just from moving. Fuck this country and fuck insurance being tied to your job! I've been putting in hundreds of applications for a better job and I have had one single interview that turned out to be a scam. When does it end? I should've completed college while my brain was still intact and I could be working as something better than a fucking cashier. Now I've had so many seizures that I can't seem to focus on anything and I struggle to retain information. I feel stuck in where I'm at. My GM sexually harasses me and tells me he needs pretty faces as a cashier. But I refuse to take a paycut because I'm struggling enough as it is on $17 an hour. So I suck it up and deal with it until something better comes along. Part of me is just waiting until my kids are self sufficient and I'm out. I'm fed up with all this.

Edit: 9 minutes into posting and I get reddit cares. Wow. I'm struggling with my brain not functioning and feeling stuck. Yeah life kinda sucks right now. But I'm anything but a lazy bum. I am depressed and fed up. Reddit cares isn't gonna help shit.

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