
The Oklahoma Outing

Hey all, I had a little bit of a snag sharing this the first time, so to avoid any post conflicts, I'm going to refrain from sharing the links in the post that I originally had, but I will send them if anyone wants them!!! News sources can be biased, so please explore multiple sources to gain all the facts, and observe and discrepancies! YouTube and Google will be your best search sources! Today, there have been TONS of news sources reporting on some Oklahoma county officers that were caught on recording saying inhumane, sinister things. For those who do listen, I must warn them that what's said is pretty disturbing. After having taken the time to read and listen to this situation carefully, I definitely agree it sounds VERY credible. In the recording, the officers most notably talk about lynching and hanging black people, and the alleged murder to…

Hey all, I had a little bit of a snag sharing this the first time, so to avoid any post conflicts, I'm going to refrain from sharing the links in the post that I originally had, but I will send them if anyone wants them!!! News sources can be biased, so please explore multiple sources to gain all the facts, and observe and discrepancies! YouTube and Google will be your best search sources!

Today, there have been TONS of news sources reporting on some Oklahoma county officers that were caught on recording saying inhumane, sinister things.

For those who do listen, I must warn them that what's said is pretty disturbing. After having taken the time to read and listen to this situation carefully, I definitely agree it sounds VERY credible. In the recording, the officers most notably talk about lynching and hanging black people, and the alleged murder to a duo reporter team. I have been trying to do my own research on this part of the story, so I have nothing to link or deeply discuss here yet. So far, I've seen that the FBI has been called in to investigate, and they found a 55 gallon drum in an Oklahoma lake nearby. So far…things are looking pretty grim, but we'll see how it all unfolds.

I wanted to share this with antiwork for several reasons. First, I wanted to inform people and urge as many as possible to share this news. Second, I felt it touched upon the same root problems we are facing all across the country: we have given evil people too much. These officers are not the only ones of their kind, these people exist in every nook of our government. I want to impress upon people the importance of NEVER letting them forget this. These people will try to turn potential murder charges and verifiable discrimination charges into something that they want to “shrug off.” We can not keep letting these people get away with such disgusting criminal activity! We need to show them there is no room for people like them in our society anymore. We need to finally draw a line in the sand with these people and show them that our lives matter too!! Our health matters too!! OUR HAPPINESS MATTERS TOO!!

P.s. As a disclaimer, I am NOT calling people to violent action with this post, I am merely sharing what happened. People's actions are their own, and I don't claim any influence from this story.

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