
If I had to take personal time before my vacation, is it still okay to go on planned vacation?

I am supposed to work Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday to the next Wednesday I have PTO and have booked a vacation to see my mothers side of the family. This weekend, I had an emergency with my dads side of the family and I have to miss work Monday and Tuesday to be there with the family. But then I still am planning to go on this planned vacation. That would mean I’m out of work for a week and a half. Is that okay or will I be expected to change plans?

I am supposed to work Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday to the next Wednesday I have PTO and have booked a vacation to see my mothers side of the family. This weekend, I had an emergency with my dads side of the family and I have to miss work Monday and Tuesday to be there with the family. But then I still am planning to go on this planned vacation. That would mean I’m out of work for a week and a half. Is that okay or will I be expected to change plans?

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