
Harrassed at work! Need advice

Need help! My work brought in a health and safety manager from another country and last year asked me for my number. I obliged and went out that weekend with her to the beach. She tried kissing me and was dropping hints like let's go on another “date” This freaked me out so I started to ignore her/bail on any plans mad. It was hard to ignore her every day as we worked together and she held a position of power over me. (I'm on health and safety committee).on days I dident respond she would make comments about it to coworkers infront of me. (By this time all coworkers new even my direct supervisor) my supervisor is amazing and is the reason I'm having issues coming forward. If I miss work I get texts “where are you” almost 4 months of me not responding to her or bailing for plans…

Need help!
My work brought in a health and safety manager from another country and last year asked me for my number. I obliged and went out that weekend with her to the beach. She tried kissing me and was dropping hints like let's go on another “date”

This freaked me out so I started to ignore her/bail on any plans mad. It was hard to ignore her every day as we worked together and she held a position of power over me. (I'm on health and safety committee).on days I dident respond she would make comments about it to coworkers infront of me. (By this time all coworkers new even my direct supervisor) my supervisor is amazing and is the reason I'm having issues coming forward.

If I miss work I get texts “where are you” almost 4 months of me not responding to her or bailing for plans she sets by herself thinking I'd come.

The manager has tried kissing me/inviting me to go for overnight hotel stays with her which I declined.

Recently my work had minestry of labour called unrelated to this but for reason COMPLETLY VALID AND since I've been blamed. Coworkers make comments like “go call the minestry again” (I dident call) since then (2-3 weeks ago) I've been reported twice to hr (once for telling the person that's harassing me to “f off”) and another 2 days ago for making a joke about minestry of labour returning.

I'm at loss as what I should do. I have receipts to prove ive been harassed and I feel like I'm being targeted because people know I could get them in trouble. (People makes jokes to me like have sex with her and make out lives easier ect)

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