

I see alot of disbelief flowing around the world and in this sub. People suffering and dying and corporations posting record profits and people posting callout threads in this subreddit where people passionately shout “YEAH! CRUNCH THOSE NUMBERS! SHOW THEM WE KNOW WHATS REALLY GOING ON!” And I realize that people have completely missed the point. I see people existing in constant existential anxiety, having panic attacks and other medically identifiable issues in response to stress just from existing in this hellish world, and I think to myself “Why is everyone freaking out so bad?? People aren't just used to this??” And then I remember that most of the world didn't spend the first 14 years of their life being beaten by their malignant narcissist of a father and aren't used to being used as a stress toy by someone who has more or less absolute power over you. Yall…

I see alot of disbelief flowing around the world and in this sub.

People suffering and dying and corporations posting record profits and people posting callout threads in this subreddit where people passionately shout “YEAH! CRUNCH THOSE NUMBERS! SHOW THEM WE KNOW WHATS REALLY GOING ON!”

And I realize that people have completely missed the point.

I see people existing in constant existential anxiety, having panic attacks and other medically identifiable issues in response to stress just from existing in this hellish world, and I think to myself “Why is everyone freaking out so bad?? People aren't just used to this??”

And then I remember that most of the world didn't spend the first 14 years of their life being beaten by their malignant narcissist of a father and aren't used to being used as a stress toy by someone who has more or less absolute power over you.

Yall aren't used to it, so you also aren't used to seeing it. You ask yourselves “How can they do this, don't they understand what they're doing”

And my response to that is do you honestly thing conservatives and liberals are the only ones who feast on each others tears?

This is on purpose. Yes, it is about greed. Absolutely. But it is also about abuse. See, my father didn't just beat me because he was angry and unstable. Yes, he was those things. But his mechanism for controlling himself was beating me, and so he had to have mechanisms in place to control me so that I wouldn't say, go to CPS and rat him out for multiple felony child abuse.

I had to be gaslit to believe this is normal. This is what every bad child goes through. And I'm a very bad child aren't I? I'm irresponsible and I don't do what I'm told and I have a bad attitude and I deserve that demotion and pay cut and…ooops. Seems like I've got a bit of narrative crossover here…

The state of the world and the economy are a form of narcissistic abuse by the people in power.

We have studies, multiples of them, that say that CEO positions and the like attract narcissists.

We have studies that say narcissist exercise power and maintain self control by abusing others.

We have studies that say that the US is going through an emotional experience that directly and horrifyingly resembles my childhood being beaten by my father for the first 14 years of my life.

If you ask a therapist how you deal with a narcissist in your life who has power over you and is abusing you they will tell you the truth you're ignoring, it is on purpose, and you have to find a way to remove them from power over you and stop their ability* to abuse you.*

Their ***ability**** to abuse you.*

Why is everything like this? Because narcissists only feel whole when they are exercising power over others, or being looked up to by others, and because in order to fuel their God complex they will go to any lengths to control the people who make them feel like Gods. They will denigrate, degrade, and abuse those below them to keep them in their place and supplying validation (and resources, cause again, Greed is still a huge motivating factor) and will at the same time actively enjoy the suffering they cause that they do not themselves have to experience because it makes them feel powerful.

We are in an abusive relationship with the 1%. There's not exactly alot of options for exiting this relationship, permanently.

Food for thought.

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