
Anyone else feeling hopeless about the way things are?

I’ve been trying my best to stay positive but it’s been getting harder and harder. I honestly don’t see any positive change coming in my lifetime My job has been draining me more and more recently. They have changed my schedule so I have to come in earlier, causing me to not get enough sleep. They have changed our WFH option to a hybrid one, causing me to spend more in gas. But the worst one is that they have effectively changed my job description to essentially do more work that doesn’t even relate to my current position and for the same pay. All this because they would rather work us to death than pay to employ more people they desperately need. Now I know what your thinking. Why not just get another job? Well, that’s the part that leads me to feel even more hopeless. I’ve been applying to…

I’ve been trying my best to stay positive but it’s been getting harder and harder.

I honestly don’t see any positive change coming in my lifetime

My job has been draining me more and more recently. They have changed my schedule so I have to come in earlier, causing me to not get enough sleep. They have changed our WFH option to a hybrid one, causing me to spend more in gas. But the worst one is that they have effectively changed my job description to essentially do more work that doesn’t even relate to my current position and for the same pay. All this because they would rather work us to death than pay to employ more people they desperately need.

Now I know what your thinking. Why not just get another job? Well, that’s the part that leads me to feel even more hopeless. I’ve been applying to different jobs for the past year. Nothing.

However, my neighbor, who has been a stay at home mom for most of her adult life was able to get a job I applied for too without any of the required experience or skills simply because she knows the director. How is that fair?

Aside from this, just when I thought I saved enough to have a decent safety net, my car breaks down forcing me to spend a good chunk of it.

Talking to people just gets me the generic “Get another job” or “Keep trying, stay positive” advice.

Honestly, I’m writing this because the intrusive thoughts have started to become more and more prevalent. I’ve come to the conclusion that it would be easier to just skip to the end and die than it would be to keep dealing with this BS.

Like I legit don’t feel like continuing anymore. What’s the point? It feels like no matter who I talk to, no one can relate or no one really cares. It feels like no matter what I do to better my situation nothing changes.

Sorry everyone for ranting. I just don’t know what else to do now.

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