
Additional responsibility without extra pay, how to say no?

I recently interviewed for a manager position at my work, despite being told I delivered an “amazing” interview, the role was given to an external candidate with more experience. A week before someone else in the neighbouring team interviewed for a manager position (in their team). They didn't get it but were offered a senior position in the same team. Their new role is basically to manage one person in their team who is on a lower grade, and is now on a higher grade with a bigger salary. After my interview, I was offered the same opportunity (to manage the person in my team on a lower grade) and obviously I said yes because I was under the impression it would be a promotion and the same arrangement as my colleague, especially as we sit in the same directorate and share a senior manager. Last week my manager informed…

I recently interviewed for a manager position at my work, despite being told I delivered an “amazing” interview, the role was given to an external candidate with more experience.

A week before someone else in the neighbouring team interviewed for a manager position (in their team). They didn't get it but were offered a senior position in the same team. Their new role is basically to manage one person in their team who is on a lower grade, and is now on a higher grade with a bigger salary.

After my interview, I was offered the same opportunity (to manage the person in my team on a lower grade) and obviously I said yes because I was under the impression it would be a promotion and the same arrangement as my colleague, especially as we sit in the same directorate and share a senior manager.

Last week my manager informed me that they don't have the budget to bump me up a grade, and that he “doesn't like giving more responsibility without compensation but unfortunately this is the way it has to be”. They offered it to me so I could gain the manager experience I'm missing so I can apply for another vacancy in the future.

This is obviously all bullshit and the hiring practices are seriously inconsistent and unfair. Obviously the experience would be good but I'm not taking on the additional burden of line managing somebody without more pay.

I have a meeting about this tomorrow. My manager thinks I'm happy for the plans to be put in motion, but obviously I want to turn it down.

My issue is that I'm a seriously an anxious person, I'm a people pleaser and I hate conflict. How can I turn this down without them thinking I'm being ungrateful or I don't care about progression?

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