
Not doing the work for free.

My supervisor, the assistant director in our department, is transferring to a new office on Monday. She attempted to bring our team with her, but the director threatened to quit and so they kept our team where we’re at. Our team is in a different building than the rest of the department and are treated like interns. Our supervisor expanded the work we did a lot for us, but with her leaving, things are already starting to go back to being ignored and disrespected. On hiring her replacement, my supervisor recommended me at her replacement. The director could literally hire me and have me start Monday. And no one else in our team is even interested in the position. She could even fast track the process and have someone hired by the end of the month. Today the director told me that she has decided to open up the position…

My supervisor, the assistant director in our department, is transferring to a new office on Monday. She attempted to bring our team with her, but the director threatened to quit and so they kept our team where we’re at.
Our team is in a different building than the rest of the department and are treated like interns. Our supervisor expanded the work we did a lot for us, but with her leaving, things are already starting to go back to being ignored and disrespected.

On hiring her replacement, my supervisor recommended me at her replacement. The director could literally hire me and have me start Monday. And no one else in our team is even interested in the position. She could even fast track the process and have someone hired by the end of the month.

Today the director told me that she has decided to open up the position externally, and told me i could apply for it if i wanted to, but that I’d have to interview, and wouldn’t have any advantage by being a internal applicant. Then said the process would take roughly 3-4 months and they weren’t not going to make me interim in the meantime.

An hour later she sent our team an email asking who would be taking over the various parts of our supervisors job. We all three signed a letter stating that the job responsibilities could go to whoever was the interim assistant director, as the other two did not want the position, and i was told i wasn’t going to get it. We ended the letter with, “due to your continued support and understanding of the importance of our work we trust that you will find a qualified and capable candidate to run the budget, strategic program planning, translating data, and public representation of the department.”
Signed, scanned to her and we’ve all met our hours this week so we will see the response Monday.

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