
Contribution required?

Hello all. I just want some quick advice, please don't share this anywhere else I am in the middle of a small situation with HR at my present company. I have had about 4 incidents with her so far including payroll and tax issues, as well issue that I would classify as technically (disability) discrimination but I don't want to go down that road of pursing action at this time.. I mainly just want to know if what I am being told is correct… I would copy and paste straight from the email if it wasn't against company policy but The short of it is that I signed up for a child care savings account through my employer and started making contributions in February. The card ended up being lost in the mail and while I was waiting for it to arrive. I was able to stack up quite a…

Hello all.
I just want some quick advice, please don't share this anywhere else
I am in the middle of a small situation with HR at my present company.
I have had about 4 incidents with her so far including payroll and tax issues, as well issue that I would classify as technically (disability) discrimination but I don't want to go down that road of pursing action at this time..
I mainly just want to know if what I am being told is correct… I would copy and paste straight from the email if it wasn't against company policy but The short of it is that I signed up for a child care savings account through my employer and started making contributions in February. The card ended up being lost in the mail and while I was waiting for it to arrive. I was able to stack up quite a bit of money but my youngest goes to Elementary school in august so I realized by doing the math that I no longer needed the account and I asked if I could opt out of it.
I was told at that time that I could not opt out of it which was frustrating because it wasn't an account that I initially wanted and my. Company's insurance representative called me and explained to me that there was no liability or obligation on my side and that it was basically tax free money and that I should. Maybe I should Have looked into it more while I was waiting for the paperwork to arrive in the mail, but since my Card got there two months late I just didn't know what the paperwork said.
Apparently I can't opt out of this contribution without a qualifying event or without reducing payroll below full time or leaving payroll. This is how it seems to be looking over the document myself. I was told by HR three weeks ago that since I'm moving It would be a qualifying event and I would be able to get out of the contribution when I moved.
Now that I'm moving I contacted HR and asked if I could get out of the contribution and she told me there is no way for me to Get out of it until the end of the plan year which is months after my daughter starts school and by then I will have thousands more than I need in this flexible spending account.
I let the c e o and h r know that I was considering leaving the company If I was unable to stop the contribution because I don't want to risk losing all that money at the end of the year because it's $500 A month, plus losing $500/m when I don't need the “benefit” all year blows
H r emailed me About a week later and let me know that I can't stop contributions and that even if I stop payroll or go below full time, this benefit would need to continue to be paid or the company would have to pay it into my account and I would owe them that money “which isn't legal” she said so it isn't an option. She implied I couldn't stop payroll and when I inquired further she became hostile. I provided direct proof to the CEO where she repeatedly provided false information about my VA disability status on a form intended to be mailed to the VA without even emailing me or my supervisor for the correct information… and my supervisor and asked for an apology and was told she did nothing wrong, she refused to apologize.
None of this sounds right… right?
I've never even met her BTW. She's at another office, I've only dealt with her via email or calls but I stopped taking her calls in Feb when I started to feel weird about the info I was given on the phone, it wasn't consistent.
Leaving the military for civilian life in your late 20s is hard, I feel like every company has been one big scam for benefits and even making above 60k annually, I made more as a student because of taxes and “benefits” and $900/month insurance at the worst company I had last year.
I'm tired.

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