
Opinions & a common theme in the office?

I’m just looking for general opinions and to find out if this is common place, or a toxic culture, and what people might recommend. I work in an industry where there are never ending lists of things to do and you simply cannot do everything requested of you with the time you have. I normally work 2/3 hours a day over my contracted hours and accept it comes with a job paying 45k+ That said, every 9/12 months or so, due to a combination of annual leave, client priorities and deadlines, accomplishing certain tasks by their deadline just isn’t possible. We are told whenever anything is at risk of becoming overdue, to reach out to your line manager for assistance. Every time I have done this in the past 3/4 years with different line managers, I’m told you can only do your best with the time you’ve got, but the…

I’m just looking for general opinions and to find out if this is common place, or a toxic culture, and what people might recommend.

I work in an industry where there are never ending lists of things to do and you simply cannot do everything requested of you with the time you have. I normally work 2/3 hours a day over my contracted hours and accept it comes with a job paying 45k+

That said, every 9/12 months or so, due to a combination of annual leave, client priorities and deadlines, accomplishing certain tasks by their deadline just isn’t possible.

We are told whenever anything is at risk of becoming overdue, to reach out to your line manager for assistance. Every time I have done this in the past 3/4 years with different line managers, I’m told you can only do your best with the time you’ve got, but the deadlines need to be met so make sure they are, and let me know if there are any issues. It’s like going round in circles and the only way to be assertive will end up causing an issue.

I know from speaking to other colleagues, that whenever other individuals in teams raise similar issues to basically say, look this isn’t going to get done and we need to make you aware, the response is always to imply they’re willing to help, and then put the responsibility back on to you.


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