
This time last year

I started a new job this time last year..I walked out on my three month review. Here were some red flags I noticed from the jump: -Small, family owned buisness- only two other coworkers and a manager beside the owners -men did not want to be involved in “womens” issues -asked me if I was married and or has kids in the interview -seemed to VERY MUCH enjoy that I lived close (ding ding) – paid 16 an hour -very old fashioned mindset in that they thought they were the second coming of christ for giving me a job and that if I didn't meet their standards they would let me go Here's how it went: -two other coworkers were friendly at times but mostly catty and unsupportive -manager was shady, asked me my feelings and thoughts and then became irritated and invalidated my feelings and thoughts -did not like…

I started a new job this time last year..I walked out on my three month review. Here were some red flags I noticed from the jump:

-Small, family owned buisness- only two other coworkers and a manager beside the owners
-men did not want to be involved in “womens” issues
-asked me if I was married and or has kids in the interview
-seemed to VERY MUCH enjoy that I lived close (ding ding)
– paid 16 an hour
-very old fashioned mindset in that they thought they were the second coming of christ for giving me a job and that if I didn't meet their standards they would let me go

Here's how it went:
-two other coworkers were friendly at times but mostly catty and unsupportive
-manager was shady, asked me my feelings and thoughts and then became irritated and invalidated my feelings and thoughts
-did not like when after countless threats I reminded her I'm also free to leave if they don't meet MY standards as an employer
-treated my like I showed up to work in a ball gown when I wore a Maxi dress
-moved me to a random corner over an allergy cough
-coworkers constantly on cell phones and they took extra long lunches talking about personal stuff but had COMPLETELY different rules for me
-I got the most work done there than any job- I worked my ass off
-one random day the manager made an announcement that the two coworkers would be going home early due to a thunder storm in their area (idk?)

Here's how it ended
-Manager brought me in for a three month review
-Told me my coworkers said my work is good
-Brings up the thunderstorms…again. Says coworkers will be starting to go home early when there is dangerous weather. I was confused. I didn't know what this had to do with my review. I figured she was trying to establish something where since I lived close the others could now step back as they live far away and were upset when the office moved towns
-launches into how she has seen me on my phone. I peaked at it for moments at a time..I never just sat there and scrolled..I pointed out that my coworkers did it. She acted like they didn't, then tried to get me to “tell on” which ones when she damn well knew.
-I stuck up for myself, said that I am completing work while they have countless personal discussions for long periods of time and that I don't feel it's fair to pick on me for checking my phone. The entire review said I was producing and doing my job. She freaked out at me and told me to get out of her office..I knew she was looking for confrontation. I stayed until idea how. Walked out and never went back.

If I got up and walked out mid shift she would have tried to start a huge fight with me. She was looking for confrontation and a huge blow up. I never gave it to her.

My dad just died and I am so glad I walked out. It would have been impossible to deal with

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