
I’m depressed and so are my rich friends/family

I'm relatively young, in my early twenties and in grad school, and I'm having a quarter-life crisis. I've been really depressed (honestly borderline suicidal) for the past several months due to not being able to find a job and about to not be able to pay rent, but I just realized most of my rich friends and family are also depressed/extremely stressed. I have a friend a decade older than me who is a consultant making good money. She also regularly works 60-80 hours a week and is horribly stressed out despite being much better off financially compared to me. I have a relative who's a doctor and is making a ton, enough to afford multiple vacations a year, but he absolutely hates his job and the stress that comes with it. I also have a working-class friend who's working multiple part-time jobs who's stressed out all the time due…

I'm relatively young, in my early twenties and in grad school, and I'm having a quarter-life crisis. I've been really depressed (honestly borderline suicidal) for the past several months due to not being able to find a job and about to not be able to pay rent, but I just realized most of my rich friends and family are also depressed/extremely stressed. I have a friend a decade older than me who is a consultant making good money. She also regularly works 60-80 hours a week and is horribly stressed out despite being much better off financially compared to me. I have a relative who's a doctor and is making a ton, enough to afford multiple vacations a year, but he absolutely hates his job and the stress that comes with it. I also have a working-class friend who's working multiple part-time jobs who's stressed out all the time due to not having time to sleep. Looking around, it seems everyone in my social circle is unhappy, the poorest of us and the richest of us. Maybe it's because misery attracts miserable company. Somewhere out there, happy people exist… right? Or are we all just surviving in this system?

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