
How to write a resignation letter to a narcissist?

I am quitting my job today and I’m trying to write a resignation letter. The place of work was amazing, good job hours, coworkers were great etc. But my boss is the one that makes work a living hell. He is the definition of a text book narcissist. He’s a very angry person and he nit picks everything. I always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him. I was always so anxious that I would make a mistake which would result in being verbally abused/ receiving a lecture. He bullies/picks on the other employees but not so much with me (not sure why). My last straw was that he used expletives towards an employee last week. Even though not directed to me, thats not the environment that I want to be in so I decided to leave. I was only there for 2 months but I have seen…

I am quitting my job today and I’m trying to write a resignation letter. The place of work was amazing, good job hours, coworkers were great etc. But my boss is the one that makes work a living hell. He is the definition of a text book narcissist. He’s a very angry person and he nit picks everything. I always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him. I was always so anxious that I would make a mistake which would result in being verbally abused/ receiving a lecture. He bullies/picks on the other employees but not so much with me (not sure why). My last straw was that he used expletives towards an employee last week. Even though not directed to me, thats not the environment that I want to be in so I decided to leave. I was only there for 2 months but I have seen so many crazy things.

It was a hard decision to make and I’m still not sure if I’m making the right decision but alas. I already got a new job that I’m starting next week.

He owns the company, so I can’t report him to HR or anything like that. I wrote a letter stating all my grievances that I had. Because in his mind all employees that left, did so because of new job opportunities they got and not because of him, when it’s the opposite. Employees don’t stay long here.

Online I have seen many people say to leave a succinct resignation. It’s so hard for me because I feel like he is winning and employees will still be treated poorly. But at the same time I don’t want him to somehow ruin my future opportunities/ take revenge if he feels disrespected.

I also gained a lot of useful skills here that I could put on my resume but I don’t even know if I should mention that I worked here.

What would you do? Write a brief or long resignation? Mention or don’t mention that I worked here?

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