
Just need to vent about impending layoffs

I've worked at a major pharma company for the past 8 years, holding multiple positions and trying to climb the corporate ladder. Early last week we had a finance townhall where it was announced that the majority of US based finance positions will be moving to Colombia. Now one can only assume it is for cheaper labor costs. Execs claim it's to better support the business by having centralized hubs (Budapest and now Colombia). I'm no idiot. I can see the writing on the wall and my position will likely be eliminated. This isn't the first time I've been a product of downsizing/relocating/headcount reduction or whatever you want to call it. But it's always the US employees who take the fall. Sure the argument could be made that I didn't climb the ladder high enough to put myself in a position to not be affected. But not everyone wants that…

I've worked at a major pharma company for the past 8 years, holding multiple positions and trying to climb the corporate ladder. Early last week we had a finance townhall where it was announced that the majority of US based finance positions will be moving to Colombia. Now one can only assume it is for cheaper labor costs. Execs claim it's to better support the business by having centralized hubs (Budapest and now Colombia).

I'm no idiot. I can see the writing on the wall and my position will likely be eliminated. This isn't the first time I've been a product of downsizing/relocating/headcount reduction or whatever you want to call it. But it's always the US employees who take the fall. Sure the argument could be made that I didn't climb the ladder high enough to put myself in a position to not be affected. But not everyone wants that kind of life. I want to do my job and shut my computer at the end of the day. I don't need to be constantly connected to my job. I'll give my 8 hours and want to enjoy the rest of my day doing something I enjoy. There have been countless days where I worked late, heard my email outside of normal working hours and still did what was asked. I didn't wait til the next day to respond. Those days are over. I am just done.

No foreign employees will be affected, nope, they're protected by their governments and unions.

The past 3 years with covid have been absolutely wonderful. Being able to work from home, watching my children grow up, not missing any sport events and just being able to spend time with my family.

Unfortunately this is all coming to an end as I don't think I can bring myself to find another corporate job. I'm tired of the constant stress and worrying if my job will be eliminated again. I hate having to suck up to management and never be able to say no to additional work due to fear of being laid off. I tulr think I am done.

I think it's time to change career paths and get into construction or something that has way more job security, constant projects and actually feels good when you complete a job.

Sorry if this post doesn't belong here and sorry for the long winded rant. I reread it and the post is pretty much all over the place, but my head has so many thoughts running through it…

I just absolutely hate corporate America!

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