
My work used our bonuses to buy a football team

I work at a Sam’s Club and we have this quarterly bonus as incentive to actually try. The better we do the more it’s worth. Our scores have been the best that they’ve been since I’ve worked here which would range our share from 250-50, but it only ended up being 38 dollars because they bought the fucking Denver broncos or whatever team it was and our managers made it lower than other stores (store wide issue) by decorating and putting food in the break room using our money. It’s utterly ridiculous and honestly has left me drained

I work at a Sam’s Club and we have this quarterly bonus as incentive to actually try. The better we do the more it’s worth. Our scores have been the best that they’ve been since I’ve worked here which would range our share from 250-50, but it only ended up being 38 dollars because they bought the fucking Denver broncos or whatever team it was and our managers made it lower than other stores (store wide issue) by decorating and putting food in the break room using our money. It’s utterly ridiculous and honestly has left me drained

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