
How can I tell them I’m out?

I was just hired to work for a company that boasts a “people-first” environment, which was appealing and one of the reasons I accepted the position. However, after only working here for a week and a half, I'm starting to realize it isn't a good fit. I hold two MBAs, one of which has a concentration in Project Management. Three weeks have passed between my accepting the offer and onboarding with this company. After orientation, they didn't have a project placement for me, so they stuck me with a group that desperately needed someone. I've had a few meetings with the team, and it sounds like they just want me to take meeting minutes for their multiple 2-3 hour back-to-back meetings. They wanted me to jump right in and start taking notes for a meeting they've had weeks to prepare for in a sector that I know NOTHING about. So…

I was just hired to work for a company that boasts a “people-first” environment, which was appealing and one of the reasons I accepted the position. However, after only working here for a week and a half, I'm starting to realize it isn't a good fit. I hold two MBAs, one of which has a concentration in Project Management. Three weeks have passed between my accepting the offer and onboarding with this company. After orientation, they didn't have a project placement for me, so they stuck me with a group that desperately needed someone. I've had a few meetings with the team, and it sounds like they just want me to take meeting minutes for their multiple 2-3 hour back-to-back meetings. They wanted me to jump right in and start taking notes for a meeting they've had weeks to prepare for in a sector that I know NOTHING about. So I told them I'd like to attend one meeting at least and listen in to get some sort of understanding before I start distracting myself with note-taking, and I could tell the manager didn't really like that. She agreed to my request but said I would need to start taking notes next week. Granted, it may be an easy paycheck, but I don't think I'll feel fulfilled in this role since it's apparent that that's all they want me to do. I can't help but feel guilty for wanting to leave this soon. Am I wrong?

Note: I do have another job offer

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