
No more overtime, How about minimum wage?

I work in a field that requires me to drive to locations and work on machines, which requires internal schooling. We had a town town hall this morning where they discussed a strict end to overtime. During the meeting someone was granted permission to speak during Q&A time, they went on to declare that they would happily do this job for minimum wage. Another question was answered about benefits, when another person spoke about “being understanding” for the pay-cuts that may happen at the end of the month. While I'm checking the titles of the people who are trying to start the pay-cut hype train my boss gets speaking permissions and says “If you two Regional Service Directors want to work for minimum wage that's fine, you don't pay tech enough now, if my team isn't getting raises this year we won't be completing calls. I'm in charge of the…

I work in a field that requires me to drive to locations and work on machines, which requires internal schooling. We had a town town hall this morning where they discussed a strict end to overtime. During the meeting someone was granted permission to speak during Q&A time, they went on to declare that they would happily do this job for minimum wage. Another question was answered about benefits, when another person spoke about “being understanding” for the pay-cuts that may happen at the end of the month. While I'm checking the titles of the people who are trying to start the pay-cut hype train my boss gets speaking permissions and says “If you two Regional Service Directors want to work for minimum wage that's fine, you don't pay tech enough now, if my team isn't getting raises this year we won't be completing calls. I'm in charge of the entire god damn south east. I know how much we made, knock that shit off” Within an hour over 400 emails went out saying basically the same except a few people trying to preach the good word of minimum wage. Its days like this that make me want to live among the trees.

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