
Is it just me or are companies getting bought out all over the place?

Last year the company my partner works for got purchased. Luckily he kept his job. A month ago the company I work for announced we're being acquired. TBD on what that means for me but I'm definitely job hunting. One of the local companies I interviewed at just got bought out. Not by a bigger company but by an individual. “Entrepreneurship by Acquisition” she called it. Last week my partner found out the company he works for part time on the side just got bought out. They “need to cut costs” so they asked if he would be willing to cut his hours by 30% and also cut his pay by 60%. They want him to work for $12 an hour. He has 2 advanced degrees. I went to lunch today with a friend and the small company she works for got purchased this year. Maybe companies are always being…

Last year the company my partner works for got purchased. Luckily he kept his job.

A month ago the company I work for announced we're being acquired. TBD on what that means for me but I'm definitely job hunting.

One of the local companies I interviewed at just got bought out. Not by a bigger company but by an individual. “Entrepreneurship by Acquisition” she called it.

Last week my partner found out the company he works for part time on the side just got bought out. They “need to cut costs” so they asked if he would be willing to cut his hours by 30% and also cut his pay by 60%. They want him to work for $12 an hour. He has 2 advanced degrees.

I went to lunch today with a friend and the small company she works for got purchased this year.

Maybe companies are always being acquired and this isn't anything special but I don't like it. What good ever comes from humongous companies?

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