
I got fired for nonsense.

Long story short.. I was a manager. I only had one employee under me. This employee went to my boss and lied and said I threw something at them. Without warning or conversation, I was fired the following Friday. I had been there for 4 years, just got a great review and a raise. All my coworkers were shocked I was let go and several people cried during the meeting when they found out. I'm heartbroken. Why didn't I at least get written up? It's a small nonprofit with 10 people in the department I was in. It was my dream job. I don't understand how people can be so cruel. I had no reason to believe I was on the verge of termination. I'm planning on writing an email to my former boss, CEO, and HR. It won't make a difference but I'm going to try to at least…

Long story short.. I was a manager. I only had one employee under me. This employee went to my boss and lied and said I threw something at them. Without warning or conversation, I was fired the following Friday. I had been there for 4 years, just got a great review and a raise. All my coworkers were shocked I was let go and several people cried during the meeting when they found out. I'm heartbroken. Why didn't I at least get written up? It's a small nonprofit with 10 people in the department I was in. It was my dream job. I don't understand how people can be so cruel. I had no reason to believe I was on the verge of termination. I'm planning on writing an email to my former boss, CEO, and HR. It won't make a difference but I'm going to try to at least get a letter of recommendation. Anything else I can do?

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