
I want to quit so badly

I am fed up with my job, particularly my supervisor. She micromanages me to death and it seems like every day she's found something to pick at me for. I want to quit so badly but I am scared because I make the majority of the income for my family (spouse, two kids) and carry the medical insurance through my employer. My spouse makes about $20/hr and has never really made much more than that in the nearly 14 years we've been together. With credit card debt, the impending return of student loans payments, our mortgage, utilities and other bills, and childcare for our youngest, I don't even know how we'd make ends meet if I wasn't carrying the financial burden. But… I am miserable. I cried the entire hour of therapy yesterday because I am so depressed. I even went as far as taking 5 weeks of FMLA in…

I am fed up with my job, particularly my supervisor. She micromanages me to death and it seems like every day she's found something to pick at me for. I want to quit so badly but I am scared because I make the majority of the income for my family (spouse, two kids) and carry the medical insurance through my employer. My spouse makes about $20/hr and has never really made much more than that in the nearly 14 years we've been together. With credit card debt, the impending return of student loans payments, our mortgage, utilities and other bills, and childcare for our youngest, I don't even know how we'd make ends meet if I wasn't carrying the financial burden. But… I am miserable. I cried the entire hour of therapy yesterday because I am so depressed. I even went as far as taking 5 weeks of FMLA in February/March because I was having panic attacks everyday in the parking garage at work. I don't know how much more my body and mind can take this.

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