
How do people work in convenience stores during the totality of their life ?

Really, how ? I've done a one-week internship in a DIY supermarket (supposed to be two weeks but i couldn't continue due to being the opposite of athletic and having to lift heavy objects). I hated it. Doing all these boring tasks all day long to get nothing out of it was terrible. And being treated expulsed mike shit didn't help. The manager said i was “indolent”. Now, i'm starting an one-month internship in a more “normal” convenience store (it's called “trafic”, i don't know if it exist in other countries.). After one day, i'm already bored. I've been at the cash register and filling the shelves around the store. It feels like everything is always the same and i hate it. Due to the location of the store, i have to wake up at 6 AM and i get back home at 8 PM, which is far too much…

Really, how ? I've done a one-week internship in a DIY supermarket (supposed to be two weeks but i couldn't continue due to being the opposite of athletic and having to lift heavy objects). I hated it. Doing all these boring tasks all day long to get nothing out of it was terrible. And being treated expulsed mike shit didn't help. The manager said i was “indolent”.

Now, i'm starting an one-month internship in a more “normal” convenience store (it's called “trafic”, i don't know if it exist in other countries.). After one day, i'm already bored. I've been at the cash register and filling the shelves around the store. It feels like everything is always the same and i hate it. Due to the location of the store, i have to wake up at 6 AM and i get back home at 8 PM, which is far too much for me.

Sorry for the long story, i wanted to talk about it with people who understand me. Is anyone interested in talking about these topics ?

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