Hi All,
I took my current role in a fortune 500 company about 2 years ago. It was a new role that the company created as they were venturing into territory previously unknown to them. I am a manager of one (but not titled as a manager), and our scope of work is very niche.
Recently I learned that the company was hiring an official Manager for the department. I of course, applied thinking I would get the promotion because I am the one who has developed the program from scratch over the last 2 years, and that would free up a position under me for me to hire another person to share the workload.
I was wrong. They hired an external manager above me who I now report to, and have had my title changed to that of the person I was managing previously (making us equals as far as titles).
They expect me to train the new manager in the position, and transfer all my higher up duties (purchasing, invoicing, correspondence with stakeholders, current large projects) to them, for a program that I created.
I was ready to quit on the spot, but thats obviously not feasible.
What would you do?