
Horrible insurance benefits

Just a vent/wanting to see who can relate, as this has got me worked up today. I started my job search in March of 2022 after completing my MBA as I was unhappy with the company I was working for. I’ve interviewed (most of them being multiple rounds) with over 25 companies since then and accepted a role in November of 2022 with the only company who has made me an offer in the last ~15 months. The pay was the same but the benefits turned out to be horrible…way worse than I expected. The company offers two health plans and they are both HDHP without an HSA. They use a TPA (third party administrator) instead of an actual insurance provider, and I cannot find any PCPs, OB/GYNs, psychiatrists, therapists, or neurologists who accept the coverage. I pay a $67 premium per paycheck (twice monthly) for medical, dental, and vision…

Just a vent/wanting to see who can relate, as this has got me worked up today. I started my job search in March of 2022 after completing my MBA as I was unhappy with the company I was working for. I’ve interviewed (most of them being multiple rounds) with over 25 companies since then and accepted a role in November of 2022 with the only company who has made me an offer in the last ~15 months. The pay was the same but the benefits turned out to be horrible…way worse than I expected.

The company offers two health plans and they are both HDHP without an HSA. They use a TPA (third party administrator) instead of an actual insurance provider, and I cannot find any PCPs, OB/GYNs, psychiatrists, therapists, or neurologists who accept the coverage. I pay a $67 premium per paycheck (twice monthly) for medical, dental, and vision insurance. My annual deductible for JUST ME (no spouse, no dependents) is $6,750. That’s 1/7 of my annual pay, before taxes!! Until I’ve met my annual deductible, the plan will not cover ANYTHING except the limited preventive services predetermined by the government. I have been paying fully out of pocket for medical expenses (including prescriptions, office visits, lab work), and since I can’t find any providers in the area who accept my plan, my expenditures are not even going towards my deductible!

I found out when I scheduled a dental cleaning that the dental plan my employer offers is a “phase-in” plan. This means that for the first year of your dental coverage, while you are paying the full regular premium amount, the plan only covers cleanings and x-rays and literally nothing else. You have to wait a whole year from the start of your coverage to be eligible for fillings or anything else.

The vision insurance is also useless. I have the same vision provider as I did at my last job, but there the copay for a contact lens exam was $5, and under this plan it’s now $60.

Additionally, the company doesn’t provide paid holidays, even on days when we are not open for business. I work remotely but it is a corporate 9-5 M-F job and our offices are closed on holidays. But we have to use our PTO if we want to get paid on Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, any holiday. I had to put in a PTO request for Memorial Day.

I am honestly just insulted by the absolutely awful “benefits” this company provides. I’m planning to cancel my insurance coverage as soon as I can and either purchase my own individual plan or just go without coverage until I find a new role. Thanks for doing the bare minimum for your employees, guys!

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