
Not being a “team player” if we don’t want to cover duties of people who have quit and haven’t been replaced in months

I don’t have a lot of tasks in my job, it’s a front facing museum security type job, but I’m sick of seeing people quit and hearing managers say they’re just not going to replace them (we’re stuck without coverage and it’s harder and harder to take time off) or taking months to hire someone. A coworker of mine gave a months notice and has been gone almost another month. No word of a new hire yet. My job is one where we have to physically be in the building for it to be open to the public or staff. Slowly we’ve gone from covering other staffs lunch breaks in different areas to being regularly scheduled weeks in advance to cover for them when we’re short staffed ourselves. Finally we’re starting to say no and we’ve gotten a line added to our team news letter saying part of our job…

I don’t have a lot of tasks in my job, it’s a front facing museum security type job, but I’m sick of seeing people quit and hearing managers say they’re just not going to replace them (we’re stuck without coverage and it’s harder and harder to take time off) or taking months to hire someone. A coworker of mine gave a months notice and has been gone almost another month. No word of a new hire yet.

My job is one where we have to physically be in the building for it to be open to the public or staff. Slowly we’ve gone from covering other staffs lunch breaks in different areas to being regularly scheduled weeks in advance to cover for them when we’re short staffed ourselves. Finally we’re starting to say no and we’ve gotten a line added to our team news letter saying part of our job is to fill in when others are out in other areas, when we can.

But isn’t this different from being added to their schedules because they don’t want to rehire when people leave? Technically we “can” even when you make it impossible for us to have time off (or adding more burnout to the few people who can cover on my team) because there’s too few people employed here.

Just annoyed. I want time off this summer and my specific role has few people working in it right now, so no one who we cover for is allowed to cover for us because of our security role. One person works 7 days a week and has two jobs, only one besides myself is full time, one is a hostile jerk who has been demoted to part time but we’re still expected to “work on our team communication”. Ranting because I’m tired and annoyed. It can’t be that hard to hire people.

Edit: bonus points for this being a private college that thrives on virtue signaling about DEAI practices and boasting about their huge endowment lol (I am going to grad school next fall but have yet to find another job)

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