
Ahhh, yes, another Personal Development day…

So excited to sit in a dingy cafeteria all day doing yoga & “storytelling” with my colleagues who couldn’t give a shit, all while being reminded in each company presentation about budget cuts. In the fall, they straight up told us nobody is getting a raise at least until 2024, nor are they filling any vacant positions, leaving us to cover the work without any extra pay But it’s ok because we get to do yoga and eat a free lunch

So excited to sit in a dingy cafeteria all day doing yoga & “storytelling” with my colleagues who couldn’t give a shit, all while being reminded in each company presentation about budget cuts.

In the fall, they straight up told us nobody is getting a raise at least until 2024, nor are they filling any vacant positions, leaving us to cover the work without any extra pay

But it’s ok because we get to do yoga and eat a free lunch

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